Are you interested in becoming a RU:ts author? Great! Scientific authors are important because their results might lead to the discovery of new knowledge or solutions in their field, and publication will also help spread your results to a larger audience!

There are several important things to know about being an author. You can publish all kinds of papers or essays (max. 4.000 words) based on work you did for courses, your internship, or your thesis, as long as they adhere to our format and regulations (read more here), and write on your own or with a student co-author. One important thing is that you are responsible for the fact that your work must be totally your own: plagiarism is not allowed. (You can read all about that here). Secondly, your article must go through several rounds of peer review to make sure the article reaches high-information quality, which means you will have to incorporate feedback on your work. This might means it will take several months before your paper is actually published.

Are you interested? Check our website and Facebookpage for the next call for papers!

Read more about the praktical matters concerning submitting a paper below.

General Information For Authors ENG